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Double league rules




When do we play?

In 2018. doubles league is switching to flex scheduling format mirroring singles league. Teams can play any day or time they agree on. Scores are due each Monday night . Teams need to report scores  to their  designated scorekeeper by 11:59pm Monday. Late scores will not be accepted. Teams can  take one day extension to play previous  week's match on Tuesday. Each team can request two extension in one session.  Extensions have to be requested by Monday night deadline by emailing your score keeper and they can only be used for  Tuesday. Matches can not be postponed aside from taking one day extension. Incomplete or unreported  matches are recorded as DNPs and no exceptions will be made.  

Setting up time and place

Team captains are responsible for arranging when and where matches take place. Matches can be scheduled on any public court in Rochester with free access or any other court teams agree on..

Good and timely communication among teams is crucial . Aside from the emails , a list of phone numbers will be passed to the players. Teams interested to post their availability using can do so as well. 

Each team needs to sign up 3 players, there are no restrictions as how many matches each player can play. Teams can run their lineups as they wish. Some teams will choose to rotate players each week while other will utilize same two players  whenever possible and third player will be used only when needed.
Only 3 players listed before session begins will be allowed  to play. Roster changes after the league starts will not be permitted.

Supplying balls

Both teams are required to bring a new can of balls to every match. A rackets spin at the beginning of the match determines which team supplied the balls for the match. 

Reporting scores

Scores are due each Monday  night at 11:59pm and team captains need to e mail the exact score to their designated scorekeeper. Incomplete matches  will be entered as  forfeits or DNPs.  If a match is recorded DNP both   teams will lose .5 points as a penalty.  Matches can be played ahead of time , but they can't be postponed after their due date . 

Score keeping

Matches are played to win in three sets .  So possible scores will be:

2-0   (winner gets 3 points, loser gets 0 points)
2-1  (winner gets 3 points, loser gets 0.5 points )
DNP (match not  completed on time, both teams  get 0.5 points deducted from their total
FORFEIT (Team  that forfeits gets 0 points their  opponents get 3 points match recorder 6-0,6-0)

If set score is 6-6 teams play a tie break (first to win 7 points with two points differential).

The league encourages   players to  play a full third set,  but  a  10 point tiebreaker (instead of a full 3rd set) is   allowed if both teams agree to it.  

 If at least one team  wants to play a 3rd set, a full 3rd set is to be played. 


Exact format will depend on number of teams that register for doubles. Most of the time it's round robin or round robin plus two weeks of playoffs. Sessions are either 6 or 7 weeks long. There is one match scheduled every week. Doubles league has 2 sessions each season. 

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